The Ausable School District is a rural school district comprised of two elementary schools and a middle high school with an estimated student population of 1,150 students. Each of the three schools in the District contains a health office which serves as the hub of various student and community needs. For many students the health office is the primary source of access to health care and other resources needed such as outreach to outside agencies. In addition, to basic health needs of the students, the health offices have evolved into a major support system for our rural community. The health office strives to achieve the overall mission of the District which is to prepare all AVCS students for the demands and challenges of life. The staff of the district takes responsibility to achieve this goal, in cooperation with students, parents, and community.
Member Duties : The VISTA Member will work evaluate and update the current medical records practices and management of the District .This position will also provide outreach to the community and other Districts to support implementation of improved and efficient processes to address the needs of the rural area. Upon successful completion of this project the VISTA member will have created a streamlined medical records process that can be utilized throughout the region.
Organization | AmeriCorps |
Industry | Medical / Healthcare Jobs |
Occupational Category | Medical Records and Processes VISTA |
Job Location | New York,USA |
Shift Type | Morning |
Job Type | Full Time |
Gender | No Preference |
Career Level | Intermediate |
Experience | 2 Years |
Posted at | 2023-07-19 9:11 am |
Expires on | 2025-01-21 |